- Organization
Department of technology was set up resembling French laboratory model.
Numbers of staff: 10 (06 engineers, 01 college graduate, 03 others)
Including 4 groups: Electronics-Computer, Refrigeration Electricity, Mechanics, and Glasswork.
Email: tmtiencase@yahoo.com
Deputy Manager: Eng. TRAN THIEN NHON
- Function & mission
Manage the intra-net, website and internet system of CASE.
The electronic engineers have professional skill and experience, good training in Vietnam and overseas in well-known companies such as: Thermo, Agilent, Waters, Shimadzu, and Perkin Elmer. Supply services in installation, repair, and maintenance on variety of analyzing instruments: ICP, AAS, LC, GC, GC/MS, LC/MS…Moreover we supervise, install, and keep maintenance of equipments in private and government companies.
Process and repair glass apparatus: measuring pot, balloon, and glass device with complicated shapes using for extraction.
Process complicated details in analysis instrument for a quick instrument repairing
Take care of power electric system, air condition, lighting, HOT cabin, simply analysis instruments in the centre.